
Friday, December 30, 2011

The History of MIT’s Blatant Suppression of Cold Fusion

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The History of MIT’s Blatant Suppression of Cold Fusion
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 30-Dec-2011 08:21:11

A stunning report written by the late Eugene Mallove details the efforts of professors, researchers, and even the former President of MIT to squash cold fusion at all costs. If you have any doubt that Pons and Fleischmann had enemies desperately trying to discredit them, this article will erase it!
A funeral party or wake to mock cold fusion was held by biased hot fusion scientists at MIT before their experiment to replicate Pons and Fleischmann’s results was even complete!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Water4Gas Technology

What is HHO Technology

Classic Mason Jar Electrolyzer
     Water4Gas educates people on one of the most PRACTICAL “free-energy” devices, marked by extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness. This technology dates back to the 19th century - as old as 1863 and probably much earlier!

      You cannot get anything, anywhere near this good, for several times the cost. The inventor is anonymous and this technology is Public Domain.
      The device you see in the photo is meant to be installed as a gas saving device and pollution reducer, along with other benefits, on vehicles or generators with all types of internal combustion engines. This includes gasoline and diesels, hybrids, flex-fuel (alcohol), bio-diesel and other types.
      This device, and core of Water4Gas technology (as you will see later), revolves around "splitting" water so it can be turned into energy. A totally balanced mixture of hydrogen fuel and oxygen is easily obtained by water electrolysis – which is why the device is called Electrolyzer. It burns perfectly because the exact amount of oxygen needed to burn hydrogen is already contained in the water! We get a perfect balance of hydrogen and oxygen without sweat, and the result is a pair of gases ready to burn beautifully – a perfect fuel.
      It is noteworthy, though, that in most cases today we use this “perfect fuel” as an ADDITIVE gas – as you will see we use it to supplement the gasoline (or any other standard liquid or gas fuel) and make it burn better.
      Electrolysis of water means using an electric current to dissociate the water molecules.Here's the cycle of action:
      Electrolysis: 2 H2O --> 2 H2 + O2 (2 molecules of water turn into 2 atoms of Hydrogen, plus one Oxygen pair)
      Combustion (the burning of the above gases): 2 H2 + O2 --> 2 H2O (the same in reverse - 2 atoms of Hydrogen and the Oxygen pair turn back to pure water, releasing some energy in the process!)
      The first recorded successes in decomposing water using electrolysis:

      In 1789, Dutch chemist Adriaan Paets van Troostwijk (1752–1837) and medical doctor Jan Rudolph Deiman (1743-1808) used an electrostatic machine and a Leyden jar for the first electrolysis of water.
      In 1800 it was done by renowned English chemist William Nicholson (1753-1815) and English surgeon Sir Anthony Carlisle (1768-1842).
      The device shown above is called Water4Gas Electrolyzer. Some call it "Hydrogen Generator" but it does not produce Hydrogen! It produces what we call "HHO" - it separates two water particles (molecules) into a different arrangement: 2 atoms of Hydrogen, plus one Oxygen pair, or in other words two “H” (Hydrogen) for each “O” (Oxygen).
      This combination, in its gaseous state, is called HHO. Also called Rhodes' Gas or Brown’s Gas after its famous researchers, William A Rhodes and Professor Yull Brown, respectively. HHO burns beautifully and provides TONS of energy. The device uses little electricity and very little water…
      Brown's Gas is a science all by its own and I do not pretend to be an expert on it. Some experimenters say that Brown's Gas is not HHO but a proprietary form of HHO. They say that Brown's gas has a certain stoichiometric (balanced or optimal in its ingredients) mix of hydrogen and oxygen atoms created by electrolyzing of water.
      We look forward to your participation in the adventure of learning about HHO technology. Be sure to sign up for access and download your free ebooks to get started!

Professional Engineer Look at Fuel Saving Conspiracies/Scams


Saving fuel in your car (and home)
Fuel saving is an increasingly important topic. The price of energy, in particular fossil fuel, is inevitably on a long-term upward path (even if it is currently relatively low), while the global recession means everyone has less money to spare. Fuel bills - whether for the home or for the car - take up an ever-increasing proportion of people's budgets.
Equally, while there is still some debate about the details, the evidence for man-made climate change effects (global warming) becomes stronger every year. And even if global warming is not a reality, it is absolutely certain that there is only a finite amount of oil in the world - the more we use, the sooner prices will soar as the easily-extracted reserves are used up.
So whether it is for environmental reasons, or just perfectly reasonable self-interest, most people want to cut down on their use of oil-based fuel - be it automotive petrol (gasoline) or diesel, or fuel for the home. As a professional automotive engineer, I have put these pages together to give some advice on how to save fuel, and how not to waste your money on products of dubious effectiveness.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices

Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices
Patrick J. Kelly

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The purpose of this website is to provide you with an introduction to a series of devices which have been shown to have very interesting properties and some are (incorrectly) described as 'perpetual motion' machines.What's that you say - perpetual motion is impossible?   My, you're a difficult one to please.   The electrons in the molecules of rock formations have been spinning steadily for millions of years without stopping - at what point will you agree that they are in perpetual motion?
So, why don't electrons run out of energy and just slow down to a standstill?   Quantum Mechanics has shown that the universe is a seething cauldron of energy with particles popping into existence and then dropping out again.   Knowing that E = mC2, we can see that a tremendous amount of energy is needed to create any form of matter.   Scientists remark that if we could tap even a small part of that energy, then we would have free energy for our lifetime.
The Law of Conservation of Energy is undoubtedly correct when it shows that more energy cannot be taken out of any system than is put into that system.   However, that does not mean that we cannot get more energy out of a system than we put into it.   A crude example is a solar panel in sunlight.   We get electrical power out of the panel but we do not put the sunlight into the panel - the sunlight arrives on its own.   This example is simple as we can see the sunlight reaching the solar panel.
If, instead of the solar panel, we had a device which absorbs some of the energy which Quantum Mechanics observes and gives out, say, electrical power, would that be so different?   Most people say "yes! - it is impossible!" but this reaction is based on the fact that we cannot see this sea of energy.   Should we say that a TV set cannot possibly work because we cannot see a television transmission signal?
Many people have produced devices and ideas for tapping this energy.   The energy is often called "Zero-Point Energy" because it is the energy which remains when a system has its temperature lowered to absolute zero.   This presentation is introductory information on what has already been achieved in this field: devices which output more power than they require to run.   This looks as if they contradict the Law of Conservation of Energy, but they don't, and you can see this when you take the zero-point energy field into account.
The material on this web site describes many different devices, with diagrams, photographs, explanations, pointers to web sites, etc.   As some of the devices need an understanding of electronic circuitry, a simple, step-by-step instruction course in electronics is also provided in Chapter 12.   This can take someone with no previous knowledge of electronics, to the level where they can read, understand, design and build the type of circuits used with these devices.
This is a very interesting field and the topic is quite absorbing once you get past the "it has to be impossible" attitude.   We were once told that it would be impossible to cycle at more than 15 mph as the wind pressure would prevent the cyclist from breathing.   Do you want to stay with that type of 'scientific' expert?   Have some fun - discover the facts.
There are many, many interesting devices and ideas already on the web.   This site does not mention them all by any means.   What it does, is take some of what are in my opinion, the most promising and interesting items, group them by category, and attempt to describe them clearly and without too many technical terms.   If you are not familiar with electronics, then some items may be difficult to understand.   In that case, I suggest that you start with Chapter 12 and go through it in order, moving at whatever speed suits you, before examining the other sections.   I hope you enjoy what you read.



by PES Network Inc.

Directory of Tesla technologies and other advanced devices that move us away from fossil fuels and other planet-depleting energy sources, and toward abundance of 'free energy' that extracts inexhaustible power, such as solar, wind, geothermal, but also the less conventional sources such as zero point energy, cold fusion, magnet motors, etc.
This Month's Special:  NO FUEL


    "Free energy will promulgate a forward leap in human progress akin to the discovery of fire. It will bring the dawn of an entirely new civilization -- one based on freedom and abundance."
-- Sterling D. Allan



The Fuelless Engine

Copyright 1992 - 2012                                                                                                                       
More Photos

FREE ENERGY - FREE POWER FOR YOUR HOME, GARAGE, CAR OR TRUCK!These type of motors have been seen and demonstrated on the Johnny Carson TV show
as well as many news and radio shows all across the country in the early 1970's and 1980's


Nikola Tesla Inventor

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla - Tesla Inventions, Resonance, Energy, Universe

Physics - Famous Scientists - Nikola Tesla
The Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) Explains Tesla's Theories
on Resonance and Energy Transfer by Waves in Space
Pictures of Nikola Tesla Inventions

One day man will connect his apparatus to the very wheel work of the universe ...
and the very forces that motivate the planets in their orbits and cause them to rotate will rotate his own machinery. (Nikola Tesla)
"The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result.
He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up.
His work is like that of the planter - for the future.
His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way.
He lives and labors and hopes." (Nikola Tesla)
"Perhaps it is better in this present world of ours that a revolutionary idea or invention instead of being helped and patted, be hampered and ill-treated in its adolescence - by want of means, by selfish interest, pedantry, stupidity and ignorance; that it be attacked and stifled; that it pass through bitter trials and tribulations, through the heartless strife of commercial existence. So do we get our light. So all that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed - only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle." (Nikola Tesla)


It is characteristic of fundamental discoveries, of great achievements of the intellect, that they retain an undiminished power upon the imagination of the thinker. The memorable experiment of Faraday with a disc rotating between two poles of a magnet, which has borne such magnificent fruit, has long passed into every-day experience; yet there are certain features about this embryo of the present dynamos and motors which even today appear to us striking, and are worthy of the most careful study.
(Nikola Tesla, 1891, New York City, New York)
Tesla Inventions - Colorado Springs oscillator in early stage of developmentNikola Tesla was greatly influenced by Vedic philosophy, and thus the realisation that Reality is aDynamic Unity. He found ways to transfer energy through Space using resonance, based upon his belief that Space existed and propagated waves. As Tesla wrote;
"My wireless transmitter does not use Hertzian waves, which are a grievous myth, but sound waves in the aether..." (Nikola Tesla)
Unfortunately Nikola Tesla's work was never fully understood, and because claims of extracting 'free energy' from Space (Aether) sounded rather 'crackpot' - and Einstein's Relativity suggested (incorrectly) that it was Matter, not Space that fundamentally existed - his work remained on the fringe of Science for the past 100 years.
Only recently has interest been popularly renewed in Tesla's work, largely because a number of experimental scientists from around the world have now confirmed many of Tesla's ideas and inventions. The final step for Humanity is to understand this Reality that allows us to transfer energy through Space using resonance. This wave activity and interconnection of matter in Space can now be understood with the Metaphysics of Space and Motion and the Wave Structure of Matter.
There is also a good quote from Nikola Tesla about the deception ofmathematical physics. He writes;
Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. (Nikola Tesla)
Sadly, our present state of mathematical physics shows just how correct Tesla was, where mathematical concepts like the Big Bang, Wormholes and time travel, String Theory, etc. now dominate physics (and have no relation to physical reality).
Below are some pictures and descriptions of Tesla inventions. I have also included a discussion on Nikola Tesla and Resonance from the Wave Structure of Matter group.

Geoff Haselhurst
PS - I just found (Feb. 2008) a very cool Tesla site in Australia (yes, I am biased as I live in the bush in Australia and love it). The images are fantastic!
And there is a nice video from an Orson Welles movie on Nikola Tesla at my YouTube page.

Tesla Inventions / Pictures & Descriptions

Tesla Inventions - World First AC Generator Nikola Tesla Invention - World's First AC Generator
Tesla Inventions - Colorado Springs oscillator in early stage of development Nikola Tesla Invention - The second largest Colorado Springs oscillator in an early stage of development.
Tesla Inventions- Interior closeup of oscillator components- condensers, regulating coil and Westinghouse high tension transformer- from Tesla's experimental station Colorado Springs 1899

Nikola Tesla's experimental station at Colorado Springs. Interior close up, of oscillator components including condensers, regulating coil, and Westinghouse high tension transformer. December 1899.

Tesla Inventions- Magnifying Oscillation Transformer in action- Tesla's New York Laboratory 1896-1898Nikola Tesla's New York laboratory. A demonstration of his system for the transmission of electrical energy through natural media — a view of his magnifying oscillation transformer in action. Actual width of space traversed by the luminous streamers issuing from the single circular terminal terminating the extra coil is over 16 feet; the area covered is approximately 200 square feet. Estimated pressure is 2 1/2 million volts, the safe limit for this laboratory. It was here that Tesla discovered extraordinary conductive properties of the atmosphere, and to pursue these investigations further he sought to establish an experimental station at a remote location where he would be unrestricted in producing vastly greater voltages. Circa 1896-1898.
Tesla Inventions - U.S. Navy Shipboard Transmitter - Licensed under six of Nikola Tesla's patents - Used during WW1.

A U.S. Navy shipboard transmitter manufactured by the Lowenstein Radio Company, licensed under 6 of Nikola Tesla's patents. This five kilowatt set, capable of 1,500-mile transmission, was used during WW1.

Tesla Inventions - Tesla's Static Eliminator - a variable coupling radio-frequency transformer

Nikola Tesla's Static Eliminator - a variable coupling radio-frequency transformer.

Tesla Inventions - Nikola Tesla seated inside a circular framework which supported the primary and secondary conductors of the largest Tesla coil ever built - Colorado Springs 1899Nikola Tesla seated inside a circular framework 51 feet in diameter, which supported the primary and secondary conductors of the largest Tesla coil ever built, at his Colorado Springs experimental station in 1899. The oscillator is operating at 100 khz, and the discharges occur with a deafening roar striking an unconnected, comparatively smaller diameter coil 22 feet away. The activity of the oscillator created earth currents of such magnitude that sparks an inch long could be drawn from a water main at a distance of 300 feet from the station. The inscription on the photograph is addressed to Sir William Crookes and reads; To my illustrious friend Sir William Crookes of whom I always think and whose letters I never answer. June 17, 1901 Nikola Tesla.



If you think this is impressive, you should see how he reads in the bathroom.
You’ve probably already heard about inventions by Nikola Tesla that have been credited to other inventors.  His work in the fields of radio, floroscopy, and vacuum tube amplifiers have been attributed in the past to Marconi, Edison, and Edison (again), respectively.  What you may not know is that many other modern-day inventions and some never-before-seen inventions were also his work.  After Tesla’s death, trunks full of his papers were impounded by the US Alien Property Custodian office, even though he was a citizen.  I found some of these papers recently when they fell off a truck, just like my stereo system and my TV did.  (Really).   Those papers outlined seven inventions Tesla didn’t get a chance to realize in his lifetime:

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Economics of Free Energy

"What does free energy have to do with the economy?

Our Economic system is unsustainable if,we continue using unustainable fuels that pollute the air we breathe,the water we drink and because the energy we currently use will be gone in the not too distant future anyway,and we currently have the ability to replace the fossil fuel based economy with one based on almost free,non polluting energy machines,once they get built.Unless we become serious about creating the will to do this,Our life will be like being in a car that's about to run out of gas,in the middle of nowhere.Without enough energy to get to the next gas station.Assuming their will be any gas there,or if there is gas wondering if,we can afford to buy it.

The way the economy is now we will be lucky ,if we have enough jobs,or money to sustain our debts,that increase with time only because we can't make enough money any longer to pay that debt.If,we were playing the monopoly game in real life,we would going around the board ,trying to pass "GO" in order to get the two hundred dollars ,without going to jail,in order to make the next rent .payment.Of,course those who designed the game knew this would happen.The banksters that the game was named after,don't care about the average person.They know it's a winner takes all type of game.So, why do we continue to play,their game?Why don't we ,just stop playing their game and create one where everyone neither wins everything,or loses everything?

Wouldn't it be better to play a game where everyone wins

Where there are no losers.except those who want to continue gauging the people through carbon credits,which only taxes everyone for something we,no longer need.

Why,spend billions upon billions of dollars on outdated technology,that requires that much money ,and probably more,if history is any judge.when we can use even half,that much to build free energy devices that will save money over time.Rather than suck more money from us over what few resources we have left.Why should we compete with ourselves,it only wastes money and time in the long run.We end up killing each other for no good reason,except greed.

No, pollution

No, ongoing energy costs

No, carbon credits to pay

No, worrying about blackouts from overloaded powerlines

No wind, water, or even ,sun ,necessary.

No more expensive power plants to build.

In, fact,no long distance powerlines needed

No more overpaying for your energy needs, once the free energy devices are built.

Just, maintaince costs,if needed"-http://someonewhoknows.hubpages.com/hub/Free-Energy-Economics

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Renewable Energy Provider - A World Leader

The initial development of IAUS' solar technology began only about eight years ago. We are unaware of any solar technology that has been produced in such a short amount of time. Solar companies have been known to take between 20-30 years and longer to develop their products notwithstanding having hundreds of millions of dollars to spend on R&D.

In spite of having limited funds and being understaffed--and having spent as little as 2% of what some solar R&D companies have expended--IAUS has produced a unique technology with key advantages over other renewable energy products and has done so at a faster pace than most.

Below is just a small sample of the many IAUS solar energy system and component drawings. While IAUS is fabricating the last of a few minor retrofits and changes to the system, virtually every part right down to the nuts and bolts has been accounted for. The cost of manufacturing thus far has come within the price range we had hoped. We believe our product will become the lowest cost solar ever developed with unmatched versatility in hybrid power generation, 24/7 energy storage, co-generation and desalinization capabilities.
Unlike other solar technologies that are made from expensive mirrors, glass and exotic metals, IAUS' technology is ingeniously made from two of the least expensive and most abundant materials available: Plastic & Steel.IMAGE-Engineering DrawingsClick to Enlarge
Producing this product from A to Z has been no small task. In fact it has been nothing short of monumental. There have been inventions within inventions—the development of devices, components and processes that,, either in part or as a whole, have never been done before. The proprietary hydraulic pivot shown in the two video clips below are perfect examples. These are no easy feats.
The Dual-Axis Hydraulic Pivot System
The First Video is a short animated feature of the preliminary design prior to the actual fabrication of the components. The video starts out with a top down view and finishes with a view from the side.The Second Video shows a test run of the actual manufactured and installed drive. Some adjustments were made from the original design during fabrication and installation such as lengthening the ram drives and reducing the number of rings and hydraulic rams by nearly half.


New Breakthrough Solar Technology

IAUS Exploring Multi Million Dollar Partnership in Deployment of its New Breakthrough Solar Technology
SALT LAKE CITY—June 15, 2010-International Automated Systems, Inc. (Pink Sheets:IAUS) announced today that it intends to explore the viability of entering into a financial partnership with a well established company and/or entity having substantial financial resources available for large-scale utility deployment of its new breakthrough solar technology. IAUS has developed a new and unique solar technology that can be produced at a cost significantly lower than traditional solar power technologies today and the only solar technology that IAUS believes has the versatility and price point to replace oil. IAUS currently has solar power plant projects in the works at various stages of development.
While IAUS has already been approached and has begun discussions with various entities, the company wishes to expand its options by opening up the playing field to others who might be interested as well and currently welcomes solicitations both foreign and domestic. IAUS has worked tirelessly to remain autonomous over the past decade while prudently completing the development of its patented and patent pending technology. However, as the company has now been transitioning from the development stage of its product to deployment, IAUS believes it would be important to investigate how an alliance with a substantial financial partner might propel the company in its efforts to move forward.
Due to the many advantages of IAUS's remarkable breakthrough solar technology, the company believes it is favorably positioned for a strong financial partner. IAUS currently has the capability of manufacturing approximately 350MW of its solar panels per year with the ability to quickly expand. In comparison, it can cost as much as $700-$800 million to construct a photovoltaic (PV) solar manufacturing plant to match IAUS's current annual solar panel production capabilities.
"We have achieved the remarkable development of what we believe is a long awaited answer to replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy. Making an affordable and competitive renewable energy alternative for today's fossil fuel consumption offers amazing potential for our company. We hope and expect that our product will end up at the forefront of curbing the environmental contamination and resource depletion caused by fossil fuel addiction. At this juncture we believe that it is important to explore the possibility that IAUS might be able to make a more aggressive and rapid push into the utility-scale market with a strong financial partner. Based upon interest we have received thus far we are confident that we could complete a deal in the coming future," said Neldon Johnson, President and CEO of IAUS.
IAUS - IAUS is a publicly traded company with offices in Utah. For more information, visit their website at: www.iaus.com.
Note: Statements contained in this release that are not strictly historical are forward-looking within the meaning of the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are made based upon information available to the company at the time, and the company assumes no obligation to update or revise such forward-looking statements. Editors and investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements invoke risk and uncertainties that may cause the company's actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, demand for the company's product both domestically and abroad, the company's ability to continue to develop its market, general economic conditions, and other factors that may be more fully described in the company's literature and periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
For further information, contact Rich Kaiser, Investor Relations,             800-631-8127      

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Free Electricity Generator

Free Electricity Generator


Remarkable 30kw Generator Could Eliminate Your Electric Utility Bill & Provide Total "Energy Independence"