
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Water4Gas Technology

What is HHO Technology

Classic Mason Jar Electrolyzer
     Water4Gas educates people on one of the most PRACTICAL “free-energy” devices, marked by extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness. This technology dates back to the 19th century - as old as 1863 and probably much earlier!

      You cannot get anything, anywhere near this good, for several times the cost. The inventor is anonymous and this technology is Public Domain.
      The device you see in the photo is meant to be installed as a gas saving device and pollution reducer, along with other benefits, on vehicles or generators with all types of internal combustion engines. This includes gasoline and diesels, hybrids, flex-fuel (alcohol), bio-diesel and other types.
      This device, and core of Water4Gas technology (as you will see later), revolves around "splitting" water so it can be turned into energy. A totally balanced mixture of hydrogen fuel and oxygen is easily obtained by water electrolysis – which is why the device is called Electrolyzer. It burns perfectly because the exact amount of oxygen needed to burn hydrogen is already contained in the water! We get a perfect balance of hydrogen and oxygen without sweat, and the result is a pair of gases ready to burn beautifully – a perfect fuel.
      It is noteworthy, though, that in most cases today we use this “perfect fuel” as an ADDITIVE gas – as you will see we use it to supplement the gasoline (or any other standard liquid or gas fuel) and make it burn better.
      Electrolysis of water means using an electric current to dissociate the water molecules.Here's the cycle of action:
      Electrolysis: 2 H2O --> 2 H2 + O2 (2 molecules of water turn into 2 atoms of Hydrogen, plus one Oxygen pair)
      Combustion (the burning of the above gases): 2 H2 + O2 --> 2 H2O (the same in reverse - 2 atoms of Hydrogen and the Oxygen pair turn back to pure water, releasing some energy in the process!)
      The first recorded successes in decomposing water using electrolysis:

      In 1789, Dutch chemist Adriaan Paets van Troostwijk (1752–1837) and medical doctor Jan Rudolph Deiman (1743-1808) used an electrostatic machine and a Leyden jar for the first electrolysis of water.
      In 1800 it was done by renowned English chemist William Nicholson (1753-1815) and English surgeon Sir Anthony Carlisle (1768-1842).
      The device shown above is called Water4Gas Electrolyzer. Some call it "Hydrogen Generator" but it does not produce Hydrogen! It produces what we call "HHO" - it separates two water particles (molecules) into a different arrangement: 2 atoms of Hydrogen, plus one Oxygen pair, or in other words two “H” (Hydrogen) for each “O” (Oxygen).
      This combination, in its gaseous state, is called HHO. Also called Rhodes' Gas or Brown’s Gas after its famous researchers, William A Rhodes and Professor Yull Brown, respectively. HHO burns beautifully and provides TONS of energy. The device uses little electricity and very little water…
      Brown's Gas is a science all by its own and I do not pretend to be an expert on it. Some experimenters say that Brown's Gas is not HHO but a proprietary form of HHO. They say that Brown's gas has a certain stoichiometric (balanced or optimal in its ingredients) mix of hydrogen and oxygen atoms created by electrolyzing of water.
      We look forward to your participation in the adventure of learning about HHO technology. Be sure to sign up for access and download your free ebooks to get started!

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