
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Professional Engineer Look at Fuel Saving Conspiracies/Scams


Saving fuel in your car (and home)
Fuel saving is an increasingly important topic. The price of energy, in particular fossil fuel, is inevitably on a long-term upward path (even if it is currently relatively low), while the global recession means everyone has less money to spare. Fuel bills - whether for the home or for the car - take up an ever-increasing proportion of people's budgets.
Equally, while there is still some debate about the details, the evidence for man-made climate change effects (global warming) becomes stronger every year. And even if global warming is not a reality, it is absolutely certain that there is only a finite amount of oil in the world - the more we use, the sooner prices will soar as the easily-extracted reserves are used up.
So whether it is for environmental reasons, or just perfectly reasonable self-interest, most people want to cut down on their use of oil-based fuel - be it automotive petrol (gasoline) or diesel, or fuel for the home. As a professional automotive engineer, I have put these pages together to give some advice on how to save fuel, and how not to waste your money on products of dubious effectiveness.

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